Start here!

This page guides you through the process of getting onboarded on Credix. Whether you are new to crypto or a seasoned crypto user. Be sure to check out our FAQ to get answers to all your questions regarding investing in Credix, our borrowers and your exposure.

New to crypto?

A wallet will be your access to the crypto ecosystem. Learn everything about the different wallet options and how to start using them:

Wallets & Custody

You already have a Solana wallet? Now get USDC!

If you want to invest in Credix, you need Solana-based USDC. USDC is a stable coin, backed on a 1-1 basis by USD. You can think of it as a digital dollar. Where to get them and how to get them on your wallet:

Getting USDC on Solana

Wallet + USDC ✅ Let's onboard you on the Credix platform

Complete your KYC/B + accreditation with our partner Securitize. More information about needed documents can be found here:

KYC/B + accreditation

Follow our step-by-step guide to finalize your onboarding:

Last updated